Welcome to APC's online Student Portal

To collect your timetable your fees will need to be up to date. Fee payments can be made by Visa or MasterCard using our secure BPOINT facility. If you prefer to pay by direct deposit please visit our website for details https://www.apc.edu.au/applications/#how-to-pay.

APC is pleased to offer this facility for current students to create their own timetable online. Please login to create your timetable for the coming term.

Tips! Please note your fees must be paid for you to be able to access this system. You will also need your student number and password. If you are not sure of your password please use the 'retrieve password' facility. If you experience difficulty at any time please contact [email protected].

We appreciate your feedback, please let us know how we can improve this facility.

By using this APC Student Portal you agree to the Terms of Use.

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Click on the button below to reset your password via APC self service portal

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